Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 2: Thunder Bay Ontario

We arrive in Thunder Bay around 8 a.m. We had thunderstorms during the night but the ship did not stir. I take my camera to the deck to take some photos of our arrival, but see nothing worthy of a picture. On one side is a factory that appears to be abandoned. On the other side are several piles of large rocks, intented for rip-rap likely, but ended up as a convenient canvass for local graffiti artists.
We rent bikes and go to the local bookstore so I can fact check some points I want to make during the evening lecture I'm scheduled to give. I find an encyclopedia of Great Lakes lighthouses and get lost in it for the good part of an hour. We go to hop on the bikes and head back to the shore, where there is supposed to be a blues festival, but the cloudbursts, literally rain on our parade. We catch a local bus (with bikes and all) and call our jolly-natured pedi-cab owner who rented us the bikes. The bus drives notices that he is in his car in front of the bus: he has come loyally to our rescure. He puts the bike on his car, we get in and return out of the rain to the ship. The afternoon clears up and we try the bikes again. This type to a local pub where we want to catch the final match of the world cup. The score is tied 0-0 (Spain and Holland) when I need to return to the ship and prepare for my evening lecture entitled "Navigating the Freswater Seas." I later learn that Spain has won the 2010 world cup in "extratime."

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